
Care and Companionship for older people in Harpenden
Nannies 4 Grannies Ltd


Nannies 4 Grannies Ltd started 10 years ago in Harpenden specifically to offer Home Care and Companionship to elderly residents of the town. We have expanded to cover other areas – see our coverage map on our About Us page. We detail our core services here.

The benefits of non-medical senior home care provision from Nannies 4 Grannies can include:

  • Being able to remain home instead of going into a care home will help to ensure comfort, security and a positive feeling.
  • Home care for the elderly keeps families together while providing support and companionship.
  • It provides older people with dignity and enables them to function independently with some assistance.


Nannies 4 Grannies Ltd


Although it has some 30,000 residents and a growing number of small to medium sized businesses, Harpenden still retains a “village” feel. With its tree lined High Street, town greens, period cottages, and Common. 96.39 hectares of open space that supports cricket, football and Golf clubs whilst boasting a County Wildlife Site designation.

Nannies 4 Grannies Ltd operate on the traditional home care model in Harpenden, St Albans and the surrounding areas for older people. Our focus is on companionship, care and assistance around the home. We help build your confidence and independence. For more information go to our Home Page.


We are happy to try and help in any way we can. Contact Us to let us know what you need.